Homeopathic Detox Therapeutic testimonial of Alex’s father thanks to homeopathy ‘my son says’
Works of a 5-year-old boy. A look at the world of a 5-year-old child before and after detox.
#First drawing made before treatment with homeopathic detox
#The second work after homeopathic detox the boy begins to write and count # he signed the work ?
When our son was diagnosed with autism, we started to seek help. Our 4.5 year-old son hardly ever said anything, he was aggressive, he often broke out with anger, it was hard for him to explain, he had numerous allergies to pollen and had the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis. We treated atopic dermatitis with steroids and creams unsuccessfully.
During our search we came across Aneta Lesniewska. We decided to use the help of Aneta and the homeopathic detox therapy. After 10 weeks of therapy we are very positively surprised. Our son is much calmer playing with other children silent outbursts of anger and aggression, # he began to speak! #Words new words to build sentences. Skin changes are absent atopic dermatitisskin is gone, he is healthy and clean lack of allergy attacks.
We are very happy with the help of Mrs. Aneta and we are already starting therapy for our second son.