Retarded development NOP Homeopathy Detox Therapy
My son of 4 years, vaccinated for everything had very poor eye contact, was not responding to his name, had woud not play with other children. He he could not do anything for a long time, practically no words spoken, he was very stubborn and had to be pampered all the time. After Homeopathic Treatment his eye contact changed amazingly, my son understand much more, he began to eat by himself and now when I bring him to the bathroom he always pee (he will not go yet, but it is still a huge step), he is able to concentrate on one activities, he became more focused. He also says a few words, not always clearly, but he tries. There are many more to come (soon we start poly vactination) but I am very happy now that you can see progress. I am very happy with our Homeopath Mrs. Aneta Lesniewska, she always selects drugs correctly for other ailments, always responds and is in constant contact, I am delighted with homeopathy.
Katarzyna, London